EP:294 | How Hunting Pressure Affects Waterfowl Movement
This week, we’re talking ducks with Dr. Brad Cohen from Tennessee Tech and expert duck hunter Jim Ronquest (Drake Waterfowl.) Brad is a very interesting biologist who wants to learn about how hunting pressure affects waterfowl movements, and his study will amaze you. His group is banding ducks with GPS monitors and studying how pressure makes the ducks move, where they want to go and how long they stay. Jim Ronquest many years of duck hunting experience gives him a great perspective on the study’s findings. Where are the ducks? Why don’t we see as many as we think we should? How much pressure can they take? This is an interesting discussion. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.
Show Notes:
Cohen Wildlife Lab: https://www.cohenwildlifelab.com/
Cohen Wildlife Lab Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cohenwildlab/?hl=en
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